Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași is featured for the first time in Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings. TUIASI is ranked first among Romanian technical universities and 9th among all Romanian universities, in the 1.200+ international category.

TUIASI stood out for its internationalisation efforts, with proven results including in this year’s admission process, where we’ve seen the most international candidates to date, with over 400 new admissions. The ranking also highlighted the scientific production at our university, a metric for which we stand out in most classifications.
‘We’re happy to see the results of our educational, scientific and internationalisation efforts. Our plan is to continue on this upward trend. The results of this ranking are also reflected in this year’s admissions, where we’ve had a record number of EU and non-EU candidates.’
Professor Irina LUNGU, Phd. Eng., Vice-rector International Affairs
Five metrics are taken into consideration in elaborating this ranking>
- teaching (30%)
- research (30%)
- scientific article citation (30%)
- internationalisation (7.5%)
- technological transfer (2.5%)
A total of 1,662 universities from 99 countries were featured in Times Higher Education’s ranking. Occupying first place for the sixth year in a row was Oxford University, while Mainland China has two universities in the first 20 in the world: Peking University and Tsinghua University, both at 16th place. The United States is once again leading the ranking in terms of size, with a total of 183 higher education institutions featured, including 57 universities among the first 200.