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Open session for the candidates at the Scientific French-Romanian Workshops

The French Institute in Romania opened a new session to stand as a candidate for the enrolment at the Scientific French-Romanian Workshops, having as a purpose the organisation of conferences, summer schools, different meetings and seminars co-organised by teams from both France and Romania.

These workshops should meet at least 10 scientific researchers from each country. The files which involve industrial partners and/or local collectivises desiring to contribute directly or indirectly to the workshops shall be privileged. The workshops shall be affiliated with other events (international congresses, conferences and summer schools) but they should have a personal identity. These workshops shall take place either in Romania or in France, or even in both countries during 2013. 

The French Institute in Romania is going to contribute with maximum 40 % of the entire expenses meant to organise the workshop and the sum of money will be limited to 2.000 de euro.

The contribution of The French Institute in Romania may be used only under the following conditions: To pay for:

  • The transport of a guest *
  • The accommodation of a guest*
  • Expenses for the meals.

* Guest: person invited by the nominator of the project and who belongs to a universitary or research body either French or Romanian.   

The deadline for the files is the 15th of February 2013. Download the form from here

More information is to be found on the site of The French Institute in Romania. https://www.institutfrancais-roumanie.com/institutfrancais-roumanie.com/cms/viewsummary/id_items/693/display_order/Selection/nb_aff/5/nb_analyse/10/display_mode/Summary/summary_content/FullContent/language/ro

"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi
TUIASI este printre primele instituții de învățămînt superior de profil tehnic din țară și se încadrează în categoria universităților de cercetare avansată și educație.