- Discover TUIASI
Discover TUIASI
„Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi is among the oldest and best-known higher education institutions in our country, with an important tradition in engineering, scientific and cultural education and a thriving presence on the international scene.
- Schools
Why choose TUIASI
You’ll be studying in Iași, the heart of Moldova and one of the busiest, most vibrant cities in Romania. Awesome places, tasty local food and great nightlife that you’ll instantly fall in love with. You’ll live in ‘Tudor Vladimirescu’, an 8,000 student campus that’s like a small city within the city.
- „G. M. Cantacuzino” Architecture
- Automatic Control & Computer Engineering
- „Cristofor Simionescu” Chemical Engineering & Environmental Protection
- Civil Engineering & Building Services
- Machine Manufacturing & Industrial Management
- Electronics, Telecommunications & Information Technology
- Electrical Engineering
- Hydrotechnics, Geodesy & Environmental Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Material Science & Engineering
- Industrial Design and Business Management
- International Admission
- Doctoral studies
Doctoral education
The doctoral education in TUIASI main aims are:
– the advancement of knowledge;
– preparing talented young people for high quality scientific research, university careers, and the direction of complex organizations.
Contact information
Secretary eng. Cristina NAGÎŢ
E-mail: doctorat@tuiasi.ro
Phone: +40-232-702515
Phone/Fax: +40-232-212326
Website: http://www.doctorat.tuiasi.ro/
- Research
- Polytechnic Institute Bulletin
The high scientific level of the magazine is achieved both by an International Publishing Committee, which is reviewed annually and brings together outstanding scientific personalities from our country and abroad.
- Politehnium Publishing House
Since its establishment, the Politehnium Publishing House has dedicated its work to the editorial promotion of areas of science, especially technical sciences, to which most Romanian publishing houses have shown less receptive.
- Scientific Research and Innovation
The stimulation of the research activity is addressed to teachers and researchers from ARUT Universities. Through this program each University will award a grant, per field of scientific specialization, under the conditions established by the information package.
- News & Events
Recent News & Events
- TUIASI revealed international opportunities @INGENIUM Virtual Lunch Seminar
- Ingenious Ideas: How TUIASI Students’ Innovative Ideas Shape the Future
- INGENIUM Sustainability Week @TUIasi: Every Step Counts Towards a Sustainable Future!
- 10 Days of INGENIUM held at TUIASI, May 20-24
- „AcEntRoad” – a new Erasmus+ European project at the „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
News by School
- Architecture
- Automatic Control & Computer Engineering
- Machine Manufacturing & Industrial Management
- Civil Engineering & Building Services
- Electronics, Telecommunications & Information Technology
- Hydrotechnics, Geodesy & Environmental Engineering
- Chemical Engineering & Environmental Protection
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Material Science & Engineering
- Textiles, Leather & Industrial Management