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„Mărțișor” for Everyone – Let’s Celebrate Spring Together

Erasmus+ and international students are invited to the „Mărțișor” for Everyone – Let’s Celebrate Spring Together event, held by the International Affairs and Erasmus+ Office and the Faculty of Textiles, Leather and Industrial Management.

The event will take place on Tuesday, 5 March 2019, 13.00, at the Faculty of Textiles, Leather and Industrial Management, room TEX 1 (ground floor, Council Room). Here we’ll celebrate a beautiful Romanian tradition, that of the Mărțișor.

International and Erasmus+ students will learn from their Romanian colleagues what a mărțișor is and how to make their own mărțișor, one that will bring them luck and prosperity in this new year. You’ll also get to taste traditional Romanian foods, made especially for you!

Studenții internaționali și Eramus + vor învăța de la colegii lor români ce este Mărțișorul, cum să își facă propriul mărțisor ce le va aduce mult noroc și prosperitate în acest an și vor gusta din tradiționalele bucate românești, pregătite special pentru ei!

You’ll also learn why we love mărțișor, the legends behind and the symbols we combine with the red and white threads.

Just a few facts about this Romanian tradition:

  • each 1st of March, Romanians give these small mărțișor to their friends and family as a symbol of health and good luck
  • it is said that the origins of the mărțișor are in a legend that says a young man gave his life on the first day of Spring to free the Sun from a god which had imprisoned it
  • ever since, two tassels are made, one for good health and one for love

For any additional info, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
International Affairs and Erasmus+ Office

Mărțișor for everyone - event for Erasmus+ and international students at TUIASI.
"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iaşi
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